The Extinction Rebellion global movement has several guidelines about how to handle activists data in a private and sustainable way but there’re still blind spots to cover: we contributed with our knowledge to build on top of that.

Telegram channel

The very first thing we did was suggesting to open the @xritaly Telegram channel, in order to provide an alternative broadcasting channel without algoritms (AI) and more privacy. We also suggested to align all socials networks and domains with the same handle “xritaly” in order to make easier to find XR Italia channels.

Rebel Socials

We wrote an article explaining how to build a communication strategy able to reach people on most of the platform but pushing them towards more open alternatives like Telegram and Mastodon, increasing also the visibility of the website contents.

Big Tech Big Oil

We suggested to support the campaign from XR New York called “Big Tech Big Oil”.

XR Events

Bridging the static website with WordPress we’ve been able to integrate events and automate the posts publishing on Telegram.

Telegram Crowdfunding Bot

Thanks to the collaboration with a developer we’ve been able to build the experience we had in our mind: a crowdfunding campaign 100% integrated in Telegram.

Handling algo-censorship

Several Facebook and Instagram accounts of local groups were closed without any explanation, the “social rebels” strategy proved to be essential to keep the public informed.