We’ve been an active part of the Fridays For Future movement since the very beginning: suggesting, teaching and implementing open technologies. Open standards are the natural choice for a movement with ecological values and its our political duty to promote open tools.

Digital Strike

During the lockdown we’ve built a “digital strike” experience for the campaign “Ritorno Al Futuro” (Back To The Future) for Fridays For Future Italia.

Sustainable Website

We’ve created a partnership with BM Service in order to host our website on a zero cloud server and rebuilt the website from scratch with WordPress. A lot of work was needed to be done because FFF Italia was using Wix, a lock-in platform.

Digital Sustainability WG

This is where we started to organise: a group of activists with tech skills decided to create a workgroup focused on how the concepts of sustainability could be translated into the digital space.

Mastodon + Peertube

We’ve added Mastodon and Peertube to the broadcasting channels in order to reach privacy concerned activists and inspire people to discover the Fediverse: an ecosystem of open and decentralised social networks.

Peertube Streaming

As soon as Peertube (v3) was able to stream, we helped FFF activists to use it in some live streamings, providing in this way a more private alternative using only open technologies.

Sustainable Socials

After doing internal training on how to complement mainstream social networks with alternative ones, we created a special section to raise awareness among those who visit the web page, before they can make a “biased choice”.


In order to provide an alternative to Fb events and integrate climate strike into the website, we created a new workflow for Italian FFF local groups. Local groups of activists can now create events directly on Mobilizon, which will automatically appear on both the Italian Events and Map page, as well as on the fridaysforfuture.org map.